

YES! Trump Has Very Accurate and AMAZING Take On The Democratic Debate

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President Donald Trump derided Sunday night’s debate between Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Vice President Joe Biden in Washington.

“I must say, that was a VERY boring debate,” Trump tweeted when the two men were done talking.

He proceeded to counter Biden’s claim that Trump “is a man who wants to cut Social Security, cut Medicare.”

“Biden lied when he said I want to cut Social Security and Medicare. That’s what they ALL said 4 years ago, and nothing happened, in fact, I saved Social Security and Medicare. I will not be cutting, but they will. Be careful!”

Trump also retweeted critiques that cast a harsh light on the performance of Biden, who is leading Sanders in the contest.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza said Trump came out ahead Sunday night.

Sanders and Biden, he wrote, “spent two hours attacking each other’s voting records — often focusing on the sort of legislative minutiae (Hyde Amendment!) that the average voter simply tunes out. And in the process, handing the Trump campaign a whole lot of soundbites to be used in the general election.”

“Both men looked small more often than they looked big. And with the country facing a threat unlike any it’s ever seen before, that felt like a major missed opportunity,” Cillizza wrote.

The CNN commentator said the standard playbook would have been to explain how each candidate would have better handled the coronavirus while taking shots at Trump.

“And yet, with the exception of an occasional mention here and there, Trump was barely mentioned,” he wrote.

Via WesternJournal

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