
BREAKING: Trump Will Address The Nation At 9, Voice REASON To Coronavirus Panic And MUCH MORE!

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Trump has announced that he will be addressing the nation tonight at 9pm from the Oval Office on the coronavirus:

There is reporting out there that suggest Trump may be considering a restriction on non-essential travel from Europe:

Here’s more from Bloomberg:

President Donald Trump’s advisers are recommending that the U.S. raise its travel alert to Level 3 for the entire European Union, a move that would mean Americans should avoid everything but essential travel to the 27-nation bloc and should self-quarantine for two weeks upon returning home, according to three people familiar with the matter.

While no final decision has been made, the move is among many measures the administration is considering as it seeks to control the growing spread of the coronavirus, according to the people. Trump would make the final decision on any change in the travel alert.

A Level 3 advisory from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention means those countries are witnessing “widespread, ongoing transmission” of the virus. The people said that the recommendation would likely exclude the U.K.

Raising the alert for the European Union would be a clear sign of the administration’s view of the gravity of the threat from the coronavirus as it continues to spread quickly. Currently, the only countries classified under the CDC’s Level 3 travel health notice are China, Iran, Italy and South Korea.

Trump did tweet a couple of hours ago that he was ready to use the full power of the government to deal with coronavirus:

Jacobs just tweeted again on this and other possible topics Trump may discuss tonight:


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