

Scary: Bernie Likely To Name Ilhan Omar, Other ‘Squad’, To His White House Cabinet

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Bernie Sanders refused an invitation to the pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference, accusing the group of giving a platform for “bigotry.” This set off John Bolton, who schooled the pro-Palestinian socialist.

Fox News:

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) late Sunday also called out  Sanders over his decision to skip its conference next month in Washington. Sanders cited his concern that the group provides a platform for leaders to “express bigotry” and oppose basic Palestinian rights.

Sanders, who is on the heels of a big win in the Nevada caucuses, took to Twitter on Sunday to voice his concern about the influential lobby. The Vermont senator vowed that if elected president he would work with both Israelis and Palestinians to bring peace and stability to the region.

AIPAC wasted little time to respond to the public rebuke and called his comments an ill-informed and “odious attack.” The pro-Israel lobby said Sanders never attended a conference, which is “evident in the outrageous comment.”

“Senator Sanders is insulting his very own colleagues and the millions of Americans who stand with Israel,” the statement read. “Truly shameful.” Somehow, I don’t think the Bern feels much shame at all.

Radical leftists have been after AIPAC for years.

Last year, liberal groups like MoveOn called on Democratic candidates to sidestep the annual conference.  The groups claimed that the lobby tried to thwart the Iran nuclear deal and backed Israel’s unfair settlement policies, according to reports.  A candidate’s decision to shun the conference could bolster his progressive support.

Bolton asking Sanders if he would name Rep. Omar to his cabinet is a good question. Sanders knows enough to keep his anti-Semitism hidden behind concern for the Palestinians, but Omar’s nauseating Jew-hatred is too obvious to ignore.

Last year, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., one of the first Muslim women in Congress,  insinuated that lobbyists with AIPAC were paying lawmakers to support Israel. Her remark drew bipartisan criticism and a rebuke from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Omar ended up apologizing for her comments.

Presidential candidates used to view the AIPAC gathering as a crucial campaign stop.

Her belief that Jews “own” the government is an old one and advanced by Nazis and other anti-Semites.

Yes, she’d fit right in with a Sanders administration.

Via PJMedia

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