

Virginia House Passes Bill Banning AR-15, Allows Confiscation Of Ammo!

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And away we go…

On Tuesday, in a near-party-line vote, the Virginia House of Delegates passed a bucket of gun control proposals.

The anti-gun legislation made it through the chamber 51-58, with all Republicans and even several Democrats voting against it.

Check out the roll call here:

Included in the package: a ban on the sale of several guns labeled as “assault weapons.”

Included in that category: the best-selling hunting rifle in America, the AR-15.

Democrats had initially tossed around the idea of a mandatory buyback program, but that was 86’d.

However, the bill grants state officials the right to confiscate certain types of “high capacity” ammunition.

HB961 marks the second time the House has approved a gun control package in just the last few weeks.

In late January, it okay’d a load of gun restrictions, comprised of red flag laws, universal background checks, and a law limiting firearm purchases to one per month.

Now both bills make their way to the Senate, where Democrats lead 21-19.

And how does Gov. Ralph Northam feel about the proposals? He’s for ’em.

He’s got two more years in office, and he’s jazzed to help out.

Of course, as you may have heard, not everyone feels the same way as Ralph. And some of those are council members and cops (here and here).

Hence, a stunning assortment of declared gun control Sanctuary Cities, as I covered here.

Also as a result: the 2A rally in Richmond, which drew around 22,000 (here).

Things aren’t looking good in Virginia, because both sides are rising up. When that happens, a fight is upon us. Hopefully, what passes all the way through the state government and what is demanded by the citizenry will somehow works its way to being the same. Otherwise, there’s ugliness ahead.

As for gun laws in general, unfortunately, murderers don’t obey laws.

So there’s that.

Stay tuned for more — surely more is coming.

What do you suspect that will be? Let us all know in the Comments section.

Via RedState

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