

WATCH: Joe Biden SNAPS When Confronted About Rudy Giuliani Exposing Hunter Biden Scandal

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If Joe Biden was ever a fan of Rudy Giuliani, he’s certainly not now:

CBS This Morning put Biden on the spot today about the news that Giuliani is sending information to the DOJ about his son’s dealings in Burlisma. Biden claims he’s not worried because “no one has said he’s done anything wrong except that thug Rudy Giuliani!”

Yesterday, Lindsey Graham broke the news that Giuliani was handing stuff over to the DOJ on Hunter Biden to be verified, saying that he’d spoken directly with AG Barr about it:

Be sure and watch that clip from where I’ve got it cued up (3:230 to at least the 7:00 mark to see Graham accuse the media of being in the tank on Biden and his son’s potential corruption, telling CBS they haven’t even sent one journalist to look into it.

In short, Graham says the DOJ is vetting the information to make sure it’s legitimate and not the product of Russian interference. Once it’s verified Graham and his committee can begin investigating.

Watch both clips for more…

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