

OUCH! Warren Visits Cozy Diner…Receives A VERY COLD Welcome!

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Don’t you just hate it when you’re trying to eat, but a politician walks in and tries to use you as a publicity stunt. Some poor souls in Manchester, NH, had to endure just that at the hands of Elizabeth Warren, and by the looks of the crowd, they just wanted to eat.

A video posted by The Hill shows Warren shaking hands with a family sitting and eating in a diner. At first, the family is cordial but soon return to their meal. Warren, however, is still awkwardly waving, pointing, and acknowledging people who aren’t engaging with her at all.

Warren attempts to move on to a new table where she, more or less, gets the same reaction.

To make matters worse, the clip has now gone somewhat viral on social media, carrying the embarrassment of the moment far beyond the walls of the diner Warren crashed in hopes of a photo op.

The attitudes in the diner reflect her polling according to the Washington Examiner:

Monmouth released its first 2020 poll in New Hampshire since September, and it couldn’t be worse news for Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Her support in the Democratic primary has cratered from leading handily at 27% to fourth place at 15%. The poll has all but confirmed that the once-supreme candidate in the Granite State has collapsed.

The poll is decent news for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who rose from 12% to 18%, and incredible for Pete Buttigieg, who came in first place at 20%. His ten-point increase places him just above Joe Biden, who dipped to 19%.


Warren has proved to be less of a viable candidate the more time that goes on and the people of New Hampshire have apparently dismissed her for the most part, and not by a little. The steep drop in support should signal to Warren that perhaps it’s near time to call it. Else she might face even more awkward situations like this in the future.

Via RedState

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