

Traitor Never-Trumper, Joe Walsh, Failed To Take Down Trump, Now He’s Calling Republican Party a ‘CULT’

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This morning Joe Walsh announced that he’s ending his primary challenge against Trump after getting obliterated in Iowa:

CNN – Former US Rep. Joe Walsh is ending his uphill challenge against Donald Trump for the 2020 Republican presidential nomination, after suffering a crushing loss in the Iowa GOP caucuses in which he received only 1% of the vote.

“I am ending my candidacy for president of the United States,” Walsh told CNN’s John Berman on “New Day.” “I got into this because I thought it was really important that there was a Republican — a Republican — out there every day calling out this president for how unfit he is.”

He might have been out there “calling out” Trump, clearly hardly any were listening.

He accused the Republican Party of being a “cult” and said Trump can’t be beat in the GOP primary “so there’s no reason for me, or any candidate, really to be in there.”

Walsh is going the way of Bill Kristol, saying that any Democrat would be better for the country than Trump:

Walsh, a conservative, said he will do whatever he can to stop Trump, including help any of the Democratic candidates get elected.

Trump “literally is the greatest threat to this country right now. Any Democrat would be better than Trump in the White House,” he said.

It’s preposterous coming from Democrats and is even more so coming from Walsh, who is clearly driven by an extreme hatred for Trump. How could anyone who claims to be on the right suggest that any of these radical socialists would be better for the country than Trump, a pro-life president who has overseen a great economy and many people going back to work. It’s absurd and I can’t tell you how happy I am that he’s no longer in Congress.

He might have been out there “calling out” Trump, clearly hardly any were listening.

He accused the Republican Party of being a “cult” and said Trump can’t be beat in the GOP primary “so there’s no reason for me, or any candidate, really to be in there.”

Walsh is going the way of Bill Kristol, saying that any Democrat would be better for the country than Trump:

Walsh, a conservative, said he will do whatever he can to stop Trump, including help any of the Democratic candidates get elected.

Trump “literally is the greatest threat to this country right now. Any Democrat would be better than Trump in the White House,” he said.

It’s preposterous coming from Democrats and is even more so coming from Walsh, who is clearly driven by an extreme hatred for Trump. How could anyone who claims to be on the right suggest that any of these radical socialists would be better for the country than Trump, a pro-life president who has overseen a great economy and many people going back to work. It’s absurd and I can’t tell you how happy I am that he’s no longer in Congress.

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