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President Trump Achieves Record Approval Rating As Impeachment Nears Acquittal!

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A new Gallup poll is out today showing Trump with his highest approval rating since becoming president:

NY POST – President Trump’s job approval rating soared to its highest point since he took office in 2017, according to a new poll released Tuesday and conducted as the impeachment trial was underway in the Senate.

It found that 49 percent of registered voters approve of the job the president is doing, while 50 percent disapprove and only 1 percent are undecided, the Gallup poll showed.

The undecided rate had been hovering around 5 percent in the poll.

Among Republicans, Trump’s approval rating hit 94 percent — a 6 percentage point increase from Gallup’s results early last month.

Independents gave Trump a 42 percent approval rating, up 5 percentage points.

Democrats’ approval rating fell to 7 percent from 10 percent.

The great thing about this is that the poll was taken during the impeachment trial in the Senate:

The Gallup poll was conducted between Jan. 16-29, as the Senate was debating the impeachment charges against the president….

The House impeaches Trump and then tries to impeach him in the Senate, and his approval ratings rise to their highest point since he became president? I’m not sure that was the effect Pelosi and Schiff were hoping for LOL! To add insult to injury, the approval for Democrats is falling!

Also, note that Trump is winning more independents too, which is exactly what you want in an election year. Maybe Pelosi and Schiff should try impeaching Trump again, because it clearly didn’t work the first time.


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