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Chinese Authorities Shoot Woman Dead For Not Complying With Coronavirus Quarantine!

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A video out of China purports to show a woman who was shot dead by authorities for attempting to break through a coronavirus roadblock.

The clip, posted by Jennifer Zeng, is captioned “At Wuzu Town, Huangmei County in #Hubei , a woman was said to have shot dead after she attempted to break the blockade set up to contain #coronavirus.”

It shows a woman lying on the floor who has apparently been shot in the head. Another individual is crying over her dead body. People can be heard screaming and shouting in the background. Several police vehicles are parked nearby.

Another video posted by Zeng shows a coronavirus patient being forcibly bundled into a van as he tries to resist.

Another clip features a doctor saying that the crematorium is so overwhelmed, dead bodies are being held at the hospital, which has become like a “mortuary.”

Zeng also posted a video showing victims in body bags lined up waiting for incineration at a crematory in Wuhan.

Official figures show that there have been over 20,000 confirmed coronavirus infections with 427 fatalities.

Via SummitNews

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