

Deranged Warren Somehow Blames Trump On Corona Virus Spread, Claims Open Borders And Climate Hippies Would Prevent Epidemics…

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Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts threw shade Tuesday at President Donald Trump over the spread of diseases such as the coronavirus coming out of China.

“To effectively beat infectious diseases like coronavirus, we need all hands on deck,” Warren tweeted.

“But like so much else, Trump’s approach to keeping us safe from disease outbreaks is a mess. When he’s gone, we must fix the damage he’s done — and I’ve got a plan for that.”

As of Wednesday, Chinese officials said 132 people had died from the virus and about 6,000 cases had been confirmed, according to The New York Times.

To date, all deaths from the virus have taken place in China. There have been five confirmed cases of the virus in the U.S.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Tuesday the U.S. offered on Jan. 6 to send a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention team to China to help deal with the outbreak.

China never accepted the offer, but on Tuesday agreed to accept a World Health Organization team, according to The Washington Post.

Warren’s plan was released less than a week before the Iowa caucuses, where the first votes will be cast for the Democratic candidates hoping to be the party’s presidential nominee.

The Massachusetts progressive is currently fourth in the RealClearPolitics average of polls in that state, trailing Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, former Vice President Joe Biden and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

In her plan to stop the spread of infectious diseases, Warren hit at Trump for failing to fill all positions in the sprawling federal bureaucracy as well as for not falling in line with the Paris accords aimed at responding to climate change.

“Trump has repeatedly tried to nickel and dime federal programs essential to health security,” Warren charged in her plan, also claiming that Trump’s “response to natural disasters that could lead to serious outbreaks, like hurricanes in Puerto Rico, has been basically non-existent.”

“On the global stage, his decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement demonstrates reckless denial about the role of climate change in fueling epidemics. His foreign policy has damaged long-standing alliances with partners like the U.K. and France, who are critical partners in responding to global health crises,” she said.

Warren’s plan said a collection of approaches that puts more money into the State Department and global health organizations, embraces “Medicare for All” and invests in the Green Climate Fund will reduce the spread of infectious diseases.

She also said that as president, she will be the champion of those who others ignored.

“Underserved and disadvantaged populations are hit harder by outbreaks,” she said. “Adding insult to injury, vulnerable populations are often scapegoated for spreading disease. Outbreak responses must ensure that everyone can get the help they need.”

The plan ran into some headwinds on Twitter:

“Diseases like coronavirus remind us why we need robust international institutions, strong investments in public health, and a government that is prepared to jump into action at a moment’s notice,” Warren said in her plan.

“When we prepare and effectively collaborate to address common threats that don’t stop at borders, the international community can stop these diseases in their tracks.”

Via WesternJournal

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