

HILARIOUS! Adam Schiff Cries Foul Because WH Lawyers ‘Mischaracterized’ What He Said

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On Friday, the House Democratic impeachment managers wrapped their case after 22 hours of “mind-numbing repetition,” in the words of Jonathan Turley.

On Saturday, the Trump defense lawyers preceded to rip it to shreds in a couple of hours and they’re only just starting.

Apparently House Intel Chair Adam Schiff, the lead House impeachment manager, is upset that now the defense gets to respond and actually call out his falsehoods and mischaracterizations.

According to Fox’s Chad Pergram, Schiff said, “At this point, the president’s team will have the last word. They can mischaracterize what we say or..mischaracterize witness testimony..we hope to have the opportunity to respond and rebut.”

Now, that’s hysterically funny given all his “mischaracterizations.”

He’s upset that they actually played his “parody,” when he lied about the Ukraine call during a hearing in the House. That apparently is a “mischaracterization,” to play his own words. He’s upset that they also presented the facts that completely blew apart his case.

He’s not going to fare well if he’s freaking out after the first two hours.

That’s for darn sure.

That’s the problem. Schiff realizes actual facts hurt.

Via RedState

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