

And Just Like That, Pelosi TAMPERS With Impeachment Trial By Accusing Mitch McConnell Is A Russian Agent

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Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suggested Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is under the sway of Russian interests because he won’t bend to Democrats’ demands to include witnesses in the upcoming Senate impeachment trial.

Despite having no evidence to back up her claims, Pelosi reportedly suggested that McConnell has “Russian connections” during discussions with fellow Democrats ahead of Wednesday’s House vote to transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate, according to sources that spoke to CNN. She made similar claims during interviews over the weekend.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that Pelosi floated the Russian conspiracy theory about McConnell during closed-door sessions with her caucus over the weekend as a way of explaining away her and Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) failure to force McConnell to the bargaining table.

Pelosi “mused that sometimes she wonders whether McConnell has Russian connections,” CNN said. – READ MORE

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