

Lies and Corruption: Barr Claims He Asked Apple For Help Getting Pensacola Terrorist’s Data, But The Tech Giant Joins The FBI To Tell A Different Tale

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Someone here is not telling the truth and it appears to be the Justice Department and its leader.

Yesterday, United States Attorney General Bill Barr says he has asked Apple for help in unlocking the phones of the Pensacola, Florida naval base shooter in the terror investigation that has been ongoing since the attack in December. Barr says the tech giant has been uncooperative.

“We have asked Apple for their help in unlocking the shooter’s phones. So far Apple has not given us any substantive assistance,” Barr said at a press conference Monday. “This situation perfectly illustrates why it is critical that the public be able to get access to digital evidence once it has obtained a court order based on probable cause.” Adding that the crime was an ‘act of terrorism.’

Barr also called on other tech companies to help unlock the devices.

But FBI Intel sources told True Pundit on Tuesday that Apple has already provided several gigs of data frome the Apple icloud accounts of the phones belonging to the Saudi shooter Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani who killed three sailors at a Naval base in Florida in December.

Barr, who called on all phone companies to give the Feds access to encrypted data, was flanked by FBI brass during his speech on Monday as well but rank-and-file agents said Apple has been cooperating with the FBI and has turned over the data from the iPhones.

So who here is not telling the truth?

Well, Apple says Barr is posturing. That’s a nice word for not telling the truth. Lawyers do that. Most of the time. In a statement released today, Apple agrees with line agents in the Bureau.

Apple responded to the Attorney General’s accusations in a statement to INPUT, writing in part, “there is no such thing as a backdoor just for the good guys.” Essentially saying they were unwilling to unlock the iPhones.

Read the full statement below.

We reject the characterization that Apple has not provided substantive assistance in the Pensacola investigation. Our responses to their many requests since the attack have been timely, thorough and are ongoing.

Within hours of the FBI’s first request on December 6th, we produced a wide variety of information associated with the investigation. From December 7th through the 14th, we received six additional legal requests and in response provided information including iCloud backups, account information and transactional data for multiple accounts.

We responded to each request promptly, often within hours, sharing information with FBI offices in Jacksonville, Pensacola and New York. The queries resulted in many gigabytes of information that we turned over to investigators. In every instance, we responded with all of the information that we had.

The FBI only notified us on January 6th that they needed additional assistance — a month after the attack occurred. Only then did we learn about the existence of a second iPhone associated with the investigation and the FBI’s inability to access either iPhone. It was not until January 8th that we received a subpoena for information related to the second iPhone, which we responded to within hours. Early outreach is critical to accessing information and finding additional options.

We are continuing to work with the FBI, and our engineering teams recently had a call to provide additional technical assistance. Apple has great respect for the Bureau’s work, and we will work tirelessly to help them investigate this tragic attack on our nation.

The more interesting question to me here is why does it take a month for the FBI to ask Apple for data from one of the killer’s phones? A month? Really? What the hell are you people doing?

Via TruePundit

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