

Looks Like Iran Likely Shot Down A Ukrainian Airliner, Murdering 176 Civilians including MANY Canadians

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Last night was full of drama. Iran let off contemptible and laughable Potemkin attacks on two facilities that housed a small number of US personnel (the installation with the most US personnel, Balad airbase, was not hit)

Then, victory celebrations, led by regime thugs, spontaneously broke out

There were no casualties in the area targeted by Iran…that is probably intentional…but there were casualties.

A Ukrainian Boeing 737-800 with 176 people on board has crashed in Iran, and officials say there is no chance of finding survivors.

Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 to Kyiv went down just minutes after taking off from Tehran’s airport at 06:12 local time (02:42 GMT).

The majority of passengers were from Iran and Canada.

Ukraine’s Tehran embassy initially blamed engine failure but later removed the statement.

The wreckage had hardly stopped bouncing when Iran blamed mechanical failure. This excuse was made without benefit of investigation or even access to the ‘black boxes’ which Iran now refuses to turn over. READ: Iran Refuses to Give Black Box of Downed Jetliner to Boeing Amid Suspicions of Missile Attacks

More and more, though, the crash of PS752 is looking like a shootdown.

For instance, these are the tracks for the aircraft from takeoff until it disappeared from radar

There was no MAYDAY call from the aircraft. Everything was routine until the plane disappeared from radar and reappeared on the ground. And (h/t to Brandon’s excellent article) there is more evidence that says this was no accident.

Read more at the pilot blog Professional Pilots Rumor Network.

Then, other events happened that cast even more doubt on the official narrative. Ukraine halted all flights to Iran…not an action associated with a crash from mechanical difficulties. Other major airlines have followed suit:

Major international airlines are canceling and re-routing flights in the Middle East after Iran fired more than a dozen missiles at two Iraqi military bases that house US forces.

Air France (AFLYY), Lufthansa (DLAKY), Malaysia Airlines and Taiwan’s EVA Air said they were avoiding the airspace above Iran and Iraq. Singapore Airlines (SINGF) said it would not fly over Iran.

The Federal Aviation Agency meanwhile restricted commercial US flights “from operating in the airspace over Iraq, Iran, and the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.” Authorities in Russia recommended the country’s airlines avoid the same areas.

Now, many aviation experts are weighing in and calling the PS752 crash a ‘shootdown event.’ The aviation risk management group, OPSGROUP, has concluded that crash site imagery is consistent with a missile shootdown and that aviation carriers should proceed under that assumption until an investigation proves otherwise.

Purely from the perspective of making a risk assessment for operations to Tehran, and Iran in general, however, we would recommend the starting assumption to be that this was a shootdown event, similar to MH17 – until there is clear evidence to the contrary.

Images seen by OPSGROUP, shown below, show obvious projectile holes in the fuselage and a wing section. Whether that projectile was an engine part, or a missile fragment is still conjecture, but in making a decision as to whether to operate to Iran, erring on the side of caution would dictate that you do not, until there is clear information as to the cause.


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