

UK Jihadists Call For The Death Of The Queen, Label Her The ‘Great Satan’ Of The Radicals

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The “Queen is the enemy of Islam and must die,” preach the jihadist followers of the hate preacher Anjem Choudary in prison.

They are also holding makeshift Sharia trials, circulating banned books and grooming young inmates. Anjem Choudary is deemed to be the “most dangerous” jihad preacher, but he was released from jail.

Infidel prisoners have been abandoned by authorities. Those who are working in the prison system should be held accountable.

When jihadists are released from prison, they continue their Islamic mission in the public arena, as in the case of the London Bridge killer.

The concern about radical Muslim converts whilst serving time in prison comes after police watchdogs revealed they are to probe whether London Bridge killer Usman Khan should have been watched more closely after his release from jail. Khan – who stabbed two people to death on a knife rampage – was freed halfway through his 16-year sentence for terrorism without the necessary Parole Board assessment of his threat to the public.

There are already far too many Islamic hate preachers throughout Britain who need to be rooted out by authorities. But authorities need to be awakened to the “Islamophobia” weapon, which is used to stymie efforts to curb Islamization. Instead, the stealth and violent jihad continue to spread as time continues to be wasted.

“Professor Ian Acheson led a review of jail extremism in 2016, where he described Islamist extremism in jails as a ‘growing problem’ and outlined measures to counter it.” Acheson has since stated that he was “’very disappointed’ that many of the recommendations he had made in 2016 to ‘robustly respond to this threat’ had not been adopted, adding that show prison and probation service ‘is still not capable of managing a serious threat to our national security.’”

Acheson also wrote an alarming article in The Times, in which he stated:

With the help of a small expert team, we visited dozens of prisons at home and abroad. More than 1,000 prison staff corroborated our findings in a survey that was originally opposed by Michael Spurr, then chief executive of HM Prison and Probation Service, who had to be overruled by Gove. What we found was so shockingly bad that I had to agree to the language in the original report being toned down. With hindsight, I’m not sure that was the right decision.

“‘Queen Is The Enemy Of Islam And Must Die’ Jihadist Preach In UK Prison,” by Cristina Hodgson, Euro Weekly News, December 24, 2019:

THE Queen has been branded an “enemy of Islam” by jihadi preachers who are running riot in UK prisons, according to reports.

Concerning details have emerged of the spread of Islamic extremism amongst inmates in prisons around Britain. It has been claimed jihadis are holding makeshift Sharia law trials, circulating banned books and grooming young inmates.

A former prisoner, who spoke to The Times, said he was recruited at HMP Woodhill, Milton Keynes, by a group which included a follower of the hate preacher Anjem Choudary.

The former prisoner named as “Jack” revealed how he allegedly witnessed inmates being lectured how The Queen is a false monarch and enemy of Islam.

Jack was lectured together with other Muslim converts that the “Queen is an enemy of Islam” and “should be fought to the death.”

The alarm of extreme radicalisation in British prisons has triggered an urgent review by security experts into extremist behaviours taking place in UK jails.

The concern about radical Muslim converts whilst serving time in prison comes after police watchdogs revealed they are to probe whether London Bridge killer Usman Khan should have been watched more closely after his release from jail.

Khan – who stabbed two people to death on a knife rampage – was freed halfway through his 16-year sentence for terrorism without the necessary Parole Board assessment of his threat to the public.

Ex-prisoner Jack went on to inform that since his release from prison, former inmates have contacted him offering to help him travel to Syria. However, as informed to The Times, the former-prisoner has declared he ‘chose to leave that life’ following his release where he sought spiritual help and remains a “practising and peaceful Muslim.”

According to the Daily Mail, Professor Ian Acheson led a review of jail extremism in 2016, where he described Islamist extremism in jails as a ‘growing problem’ and outlined measures to counter it.

Prof Acheson has reportedly stated after hearing Jack’s first-hand account of his experiences in prison that he was “very disappointed” that many of the recommendations he had made in 2016 to “robustly respond to this threat” had not been adopted, adding that show prison and probation service ‘is still not capable of managing a serious threat to our national security’….

Via Jihadwatch

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