

Heartless Anti-Trumper Shoots Wife, Dog, And Cat – Blames His Murderous Rampage On Trump, McConnell, And NRA

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According to the Bellingham Herald, Kevin Heimsoth, 56, allegedly shot to death his wife Lynn, 58, her therapy dog and a cat early on Thursday morning in their Bellingham, Washington apartment. Neighbors said they had heard gunshots fired at 2:45 am.

Shortly after 3 am, a twitter account believed to be used by Kevin Heimsoth sent out four tweets as “replies” to posts on the twitter pages of the NRA, President Trump and Sen. Mitch McConnell. He confesses he’s just killed his family and thanks everyone at the NRA for making it so easy.

The first tweet, sent at 3:09 am was a reply to the NRA’s Christmas message, and read:

Guns don’t kill people, people do. Guns just make it a lot easier. AR-15 makes it super easy.

I jsit [sic] killed my whole family, and i couldnt have done it without a gun! I’m too much of a coward, a knife would have been waaay [sic] too hard. So, thanks to everyone at the NRA.

A minute later, another tweet was sent to the NRA, which said:

Moscow Mitch and everyone else for making this possible. Some should call for a wellfare check at [address] in Bellimgham Wa. Lots of blood…thoe [sic] dog was the hardest.

Then, the first tweet was copied and sent to President Trump and Mitch McConnell as replies to their tweets.

According to the Herald, Heimsoth appeared to have shot himself. He is currently in the hospital under police guard and said to be in critical condition.

Lynn Heimsoth had been the principal of a local elementary school and she often brought her therapy dog, a golden retriever named Sukha, to the school to play with the children. Lynn had a long career in the field of elementary education working both as a principal and a teacher.

On Thursday evening, the Bellingham Public Schools Superintendent Greg Baker issued a statement which said:

We are heartbroken by this news. Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office deputies are actively investigating the incident. Her death is a profound loss to our Sunnyland community, our school district and to our extended community. Lynn was a passionate, equity-driven instructional leader. She loved kids to the core and always kept students’ needs at the center of her work.

A vigil was held at the school on Friday.

The Gateway Pundit’s Cassandra Fairbanks published an article early this morning about this story. At that time, Kevin Heimsoth’s twitter account was still live. Fairbanks wrote, “A glance through his 81 tweets reveals his extremely liberal views and disdain for the president.”

Fairbanks posted the following video which scrolls through Heimsoth’s tweets:

Via RedState

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