

Americans NOT Buying It: Trump Gets MAJOR Boost In Polls After FAILED Impeachment Inquiry

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Trump has taken a major swing up in the latest polls after Americans reject the Democrat’s failed impeachment inquiry.

A new Monmouth poll released Tuesday showed only good news for President Donald Trump.

The president, fighting off the Democrats’ hyper-partisan efforts to impeach him, received a seven-point swing in his favor concerning the 2020 election. Trump also cleaned up with Independents, polling double-digits higher than any of the Democratic presidential candidates looking to take him out in 2020.

Journalists and author Ryan Girdusky reported on the Monmouth polling Tuesday morning. When participants were asked if Trump should be re-elected to the White House, Trump received a seven-point swing in his favor after the impeachment inquiry; the “no” answer to re-election dropped three points and the “yes” answer climbed four points.

Trump’s favorable rating was also higher than his Democratic challengers by at least three points, though former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Peter Buttigieg (D), had lower unfavorable ratings, per Girdusky:

2020 candidates (favorable/unfavorable):

Trump: 46/52

Biden: 43/50

Sanders: 41/54

Warren: 40/50

Buttigieg: 34/35

Bloomberg: 26/54

Trump cleaned up with Independents, polling double-digits higher in his favorables than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Biden, Buttigieg, Warren, and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

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