

Media Scramble To Cover Up Motives of New Jersey Kosher Store Shooters, Because This Hate Crime Doesn’t Fit Their Narrative

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The latest mass shooting in New Jersey will very soon be forgotten.  The mainstream media will not pounce to make it the latest excuse for gun confiscation or to highlight their perceived rise of right-wing terrorism and racism.  No, this shooting was not carried out by racist white people, so it will quickly be forgotten.

The suspects in a shooting at a kosher market in Jersey City, N.J. on Tuesday have been linked to the Black Hebrew Israelite group.

National Review reported:

The suspects have been identified as David Anderson and Francine Graham, according to NBC4, the local New York City affiliate. Anderson and Graham were in a UHaul van in a cemetery on Tuesday when New Jersey Detective Joseph Seals moved in to investigate, as the van was linked to another murder committed on Saturday.

The suspects shot Seals and then continued to the market, where they opened fire on a Hasidic Jewish man on the sidewalk and continue to shoot at people inside the store. Anderson and Graham were killed after an hours-long shootout with police.

Anderson was reportedly a one-time adherent of Black Hebrew ideology, which contends that African Americans are the true descendants of the ancient Israelites. The Black Hebrew Israelites have a supremacist wing classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for anti-Semitic and anti-white attitudes.

Black Hebrew adherents in February harassed a group of students from Covington Catholic High School who were visiting Washington, D.C. for the March for Life.

A law enforcement official said Anderson published anti-Semitic texts online.

“Tt has now become clear from [CCTV] cameras that these two individuals targeted the Kosher grocery location,” Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. Fulop also commended Jersey City police for their response to the shooting.

“I’m 100% certain that this situation would have been far more tragic than what it already is,” Fulop wrote.

“Most active shooters end when the police arrive. In this case, one of our officers gave his life immediately trying to prevent what subsequently occurred,” said public-safety director James Shea. “Two more officers were shot trying to prevent it and the Jersey City Police Department continued to respond and engage those people to minimize any possible of damage.”

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