

Trump Hilariously Uses Turkey Pardon To Roast Impeachment Democrats – It’s Pure MAGA!

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President Donald Trump stuffed a few jokes about impeachment into a speech Tuesday during which he pardoned a pair of turkeys as part of an annual White House Thanksgiving tradition.

This year’s lucky turkeys, both male, are named Bread and Butter.

Trump named Butter the National Thanksgiving Turkey, though both birds were spared from their otherwise fowl fates of ending up on the dinner table on Thursday, according to Politico.

Presidents have been “pardoning” turkeys for years — at least as far back as Abraham Lincoln — though it became a formal tradition in 1989 during George H.W. Bush’s administration.

Presidents often use the pardoning ceremony as an opportunity to throw in some lighthearted jokes.

And Tuesday’s ceremony — which took place as House Democrats, led by Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, are pursuing an impeachment inquiry against Trump — was no different.

“Thankfully, Bread and Butter have been specially raised by the Jacksons to remain calm under any condition, which will be very important because they’ve already received subpoenas to appear in Adam Schiff’s basement on Thursday,” Trump said, garnering laughs from those in attendance.

Schiff has been criticized for holding some impeachment proceedings in a secure basement room on Capitol Hill.

“It’s true. Hundreds of people have. It seems the Democrats are accusing me of being too soft on turkey,” Trump added.

That second quip was likely a reference to his decision to withdraw some U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Following that decision, Turkish soldiers invaded the border region and clashed with America’s Kurdish allies.

Trump wasn’t done.

“Bread and Butter, I should note that unlike previous witnesses, you and I have actually met,” he said.

Next, Trump took a shot at establishment media reporters, likening them to “vultures.”

“In any event, I expect this pardon will be a very popular one with the media,” he said.

“After all,” he added, “turkeys are closely related to vultures.”

“I don’t know if I like that line, but there is a little truth to it.”

Both turkeys will spend the rest of their days at “Gobblers Rest” at Virginia Tech University.

Via WesternJournal

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