

Trump Secures Another Victory Against Democrats’ Push To Seize His Taxes!

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The Supreme Court temporarily blocked a House subpoena of Trump’s financial records, Chief Justice John Roberts announced on Monday.

The Supremes issued a temporary stay of an appeals court ruling that previously granted House Democrats on the Oversight and Reform Committee access to President Trump’s financial records — a move that was expected by the Supreme Court pending their review.

The House has until Thursday to respond, according to the stay signed by Roberts, however the Democrats said they would respond by Friday, reported CNBC.

In a separate case involving Trump’s tax returns, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals in early October upheld a subpoena for Trump’s financial records to his accounting firm, Mazars USA.

President Trump’s lawyers hit back and filed an emergency appeal — a federal judge granted the president a stay and the case got bounced back to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.

“We have filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court seeking to overturn the Second Circuit decision regarding a subpoena issued by the New York County District Attorney,” Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow wrote. “The Second Circuit decision is wrong and should be reversed.”

To be clear, the President is fighting two separate efforts to obtain his tax returns. One brought by House Democrats and the other by Manhattan DA Cy Vance and Jay Sekulow has vowed to take both cases to the Supreme Court.

The temporary stay ordered by Chief Justice Roberts on Monday was in response to the House subpoena — the other case brought by Cy Vance is still pending.

The Constitution does not require that a presidential candidate or a sitting US president release their tax returns, however the Democrats have been gunning for the tax docs to continue their witch hunt against Trump.

If the Supreme Court agrees to hear the case, it will make history as the first time a president’s financial dealings made their way to the highest court — if the Supreme Court declines to hear the case, then Trump will likely be forced to disclose his tax returns.

Via GatewayPundit

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