

Obama To Dem Candidates: ‘Thanks For Ruining My Legacy With Your Far-Left Extremism!’

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I’m not sure who red-pilled Barack Obama but all of a sudden he’s making way more sense than he ever did when he was in office. Case in point – he’s now telling the presidential candidates to calm down on their left-wing extremism! Yeah! OBAMA said that!!

The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it. And I think it’s important for us not to lose sight of that,” Obama said. “There are a lot of persuadable voters and there are a lot of Democrats out there who just want to see things make sense. They just don’t want to see crazy stuff. They want to see things a little more fair, they want to see things a little more just. And how we approach that I think will be important.”

Wow. This is from the a-hole who promised to “fundamentally change” America. And I think he did. But perhaps he’s realizing that a far left-wing Democrat gives Trump the best chance to win. OR, maybe this is Obama’s half-assed way of supporting Biden without explicitly saying so.


“Even as we push the envelope and we are bold in our vision, we also have to be rooted in reality and the fact that voters, including the Democratic voters and certainly persuadable independents or even moderate Republicans, are not driven by the same views that are reflected on certain, you know, left-leaning Twitter feeds,” Obama said.

Obama delivered his remarks at a gathering of the Democracy Alliance, a group of wealthy Democrats who raise large sums for the party. He was interviewed by Stacey Abrams, a rising star in the party who narrowly lost the Georgia governor’s race last year.

Ironically, Abrams is one of those extremists who is whining about stolen elections and whatnot. But the fact that he’s trying to temper the left-wing twitter extremists from hijacking the party and handing the election to Trump is satisfying to see. Especially since we know the nutcases like AOC are just not going to listen…


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