

Greedy Rashida BEGGED Her Campaign To Fund Her Wild Personal Expenses, Faces MAJOR VIOLATIONS!

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From the looks of it, radical-leftwing Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib could be in very serious trouble. The House Ethics Committee has released a trove of internal campaign communications sent in 2018 by the Gang of Four member, in which she asked money from her congressional campaign to take care of… personal expenses.

Fox News reports that Tlaib’s requests were rather blatant. In an email she sent in April 2018, Tlaib wrote that she was “struggling financially right now.” She even described her financial situation as “sinking.” “So I was thinking,” she wrote, “the campaign could loan me money, but Ryan said that the campaign could actually pay me.”

She was more than happy to hear that. “I was thinking a one time payment of $5K,” she wrote.

In another email, sent on April 4 of that same year, Tlaib upped the ante. “I am just not going to make it through the campaign without a stipend. With the loss of a second income to lean back on,” she declared, “I am requesting $2,000 per two weeks but not exceeding $12,000. The cost of living stipend is going towards much needed expenses due to campaigning that includes car maintenance, child care and other necessities. Please let me know if I can proceed.”

Four months later, Tlaib once again texted that very same Ryan (Ryan Anderson, who later became her chief of staff) with a similar request. “Sorry for the early text but do you think the campaign can still pay me a stipend until the general. Trying to get out of debt.”

Anderson responded by telling her that the can “definitely afford to do so.” However, he added, the arrangement could cause some trouble for Tlaib in the media (haha! As if the mainstream media are interested in such a story involving a Democrat).

Although the Congresswoman’s lawyers say that there is no proof whatsoever of (purposeful) illegal conduct, the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) seems to differ. If she, the OCE says in a statement, “converted campaign funds from Rashida Tlaib for Congress to personal use, or if Tlaib’s campaign committee expended funds that were not attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes, then [she] may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.”

“The Board,” the statement goes on to say, “recommends that the Committee further review the above allegation concerning Rep. Tlaib because there is substantial reason to believe that [she] converted campaign funds from Rashida Tlaib for Congress to personal use or Rep. Tlaib’s campaign committee expended funds that were not attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes.”

It’s fascinating to see that this congresswoman and her Gang of Four allies are constantly calling for President Trump’s impeachment because he has, they charge, behaved immorally, unethically, and possibly even illegally. Perhaps Rep. Tlaib should take a look in the mirror. Compared to her, Trump is a boy scout!

Via PJMedia

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