

CNN’s Blitzer Takes Personal Jab A Kellyanne Conway…So She Commandeers His Show And PUBLICLY SHAMES HIM!

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Kellyanne Conway clashed with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer during a Thursday interview after the reporter brought up Conway’s marriage.

Conway, a counselor to President Donald Trump, appeared on the network to discuss the House’s recent hearings in the impeachment inquiry against the president.

At the end of the interview, Blitzer told Conway that he had “a final question, a sensitive question.”

“It’s a political question, it’s a substantive question. I don’t want to talk about your marriage; I know that there are issues there,” he said.

Conway laughed as Blitzer introduced the question.

“What did you just say?” she replied with a start. “Did you just say there are issues there? Why did you say that?”

Blitzer claimed he was only interested in discussing a “substantive point.”

“I don’t want to talk about your marriage. I don’t want to talk about your marriage,” he said.

“I want to talk about a substantive point that your husband, George Conway, made. He was on television all day yesterday during this, the first day of the impeachment hearings.”

Blitzer then mentioned a comment that George Conway had made about Trump and was about to play the tape to get the White House adviser’s reaction.

Conway objected.

“So before you play the clip, which I haven’t seen, why? Why are you doing that? I’m just curious,” she said.

Blitzer explained that Conway’s husband is a lawyer and described him as a “legal scholar” who was “really going after the president of the United States.”

Conway reminded the host of another potential reason she was being asked about her husband’s remarks.

“And the relevance is — and, and, c’mon, wait for it, drumroll, and he’s married to me?”

Blitzer admitted that George Conway “happens to be married” to his guest.

“He happens to be married to me? That’s bizarre,” Conway responded.

She continued to press Blitzer.

“You should not have just said to your audience, ‘I don’t want to talk to you about your marriage,’ quote, ‘I know there are issues.’ Why would you say that? Why would you say there are issues?”

Blitzer then played the clip, after which Conway tore into both the host and his network for their coverage of her husband’s anti-Trump sentiments.

“I think you embarrassed yourself, and I’m embarrassed for you because this is CNN now. I looked up to you when I was in college and law school. I would turn on CNN to see what Wolf Blitzer had to say about war, famine, disruption abroad.

“I really respected you for all those years as someone who would give us the news, and now the news is what somebody’s husband says on a different network.”

Via WesternJournal

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