

Thank Goodness, Beto Reassures America He Hasn’t Abandoned Us! He’ll Remain In Politics Till All Our Guns Are Gone

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And…he’s back.

Everyone’s favorite aspiring rifle thief dropped a bomb Thursday: He’s staying in politics.

The Hispanically-named Irish two-percenter — in both net worth and polling position — revealed to the world he’ll “absolutely” stay in politics despite double-destitution at the ballot box.

As reported by The Hill, Beto explained things to supporters during a phone call:

“Any of you out there who have run for office before and come up short — some part of you wants to go deep into a cave and never come out again. That’s a natural part of the reaction, but I don’t think you get that pass in a democracy.”

That pass?

Oh, here it is:

“This country is counting on all of us.”

Right — as I covered in August, he made it clear: He’s the only one who can save America.

As he put it, anything less “would not be good enough for this community. That would not be good enough for El Paso. That would not be good enough for this country.”

He served up something similar on the phone:

“This country is counting on all of us. And if any one of us fails to do our part to the best of our ability, then we will fail this country and the generations that follow that are counting on us.”

It’s quite the about-face. Just last month, he stated that, if he didn’t win the nomination, he was out of politics for good. He even used the F word (again):

“I cannot fathom a scenario where I would run for public office again if I’m not the nominee.”

Apparently, now he’s fathoming like a #@%&!?!

The guy works fast — just a week ago, he announced he was calling it quits on 2020; now he’s looking at alternate possibilities:

“I am going to do everything that I can, and what form that takes and in what capacity I don’t know. But certainly, it will involve supporting great candidates all over this country from school board trustee to the next nominee for the presidency of the Democratic Party.”

He’s all about togetherness now:

“All of us have to commit to get behind the nominee from this party to make sure that she or he is successful against Donald Trump. And then to make sure that once they become president, they help to heal this very divided country.”

As for healing the divide, during his campaign, he did anything but: He vilified law-abiding gun owners and declared that he’d be coming to forcibly take away their hunting rifles. He blamed normal Americans for their starvation- and illegal-immigration-causing “excesses” (here), and he pinned the murder of 22 people on the “racism” of America’s elected president.

But he certainly does have the luxury of time to support other candidates — the man who promised to fight privileged wealth is the very embodiment of it:

Voters, take heart: the man who once was lost may soon be skateboarding into an election near you:

Via RedState

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