

Serial Leaker, Adam Schiff, Cries Crocodile Tears Because Trump Left Him In The Dark About Baghdadi

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The United States military conducted a special operations raid targeting one of its most high-value targets, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS), Newsweek reported late Saturday night.

Army Delta Force and Army Rangers led the way and closed in on Baghdadi’s lair in an overnight firefight and the ISIS leader died “crying, whimpering and screaming.”

President Trump watched the raid from the Situation Room, flanked by Vice President Mike Pence, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien, left; Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Army General Mark A. Milley, and Brig. Gen. Marcus Evans, Deputy Director for Special Operations……on the Joint Staff, at right.

President Trump deliberately left Congress in the dark about the raid of the ISIS leader’s compound on the northern Syria-Turkish border.

President Trump in a statement on Sunday morning told the press that Congressional leaders were not notified during the attack due to their constant leaks — including Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

It was also revealed that the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) received no notification or briefing on the Baghdadi operation.

Adam Schiff is a leaker and a liar so President Trump did the right thing by leaving him in the dark about the special operations raid.

Schiff and Pelosi recently traveled to Jordan to undermine President Trump with shadow diplomacy.

The Democrat leaders met with Jordanian leaders and others to undermine President Trump’s Syrian policy.

President Trump once again asserted his power and showed Pelosi and Schiff that he is the Commander-in-Chief and can make decisions without their permission or input.

Trump keeping Schiff and Pelosi in the dark about the Baghdadi operation shows just how untrustworthy they are with classified information.

Via GatewayPundit


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