

Sheriff Stares Beto O’Rourke In His Eyes, Flat Out Refuses To Participate In His Anti-Gun ‘Gestapo’

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Sheriff Mark Cage of Eddy County, New Mexico, indicates his deputies will not serve in the anti-gun, “personal Gestapo,” Robert “Beto” O’Rourke talks about sending around to confiscate guns.

O’Rourke has been clear in his support for a “mandatory,” government-enforced buyback of all AR-15 and AK-47 rifles. And he has been equally clear on his plans to send law enforcement personal to the homes of those who refuse to hand over their rifles.

On October 16, 2019, Breitbart News reported O’Rourke telling MSNBC that law enforcement will visit the non-compliant to “recover” rifles.

Flashback: Sheriff Details Humanitarian Consequences on Border: 600 Dead in Texas County Since 2009.

Sheriff Mark Gage is not in line with O’Rourke’s plan. In fact, Townhall quoted Cage saying, “I’m not sure whether his statements are naive or just plain ignorant and arrogant. Maybe it’s all three.”

Cage continued, “The thought of anyone utilizing my sheriff’s office or any other law enforcement agency in this country as their personal Gestapo to go door to door violating citizen’s rights is disgusting, unrealistic and downright un-American.” – READ MORE

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