

FINALLY! Impeachment Articles Are Drawn Up…But Pelosi Is In For A HUGE SHOCK!

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Nancy Pelosi claws after power and fame like a heroin addict seeks his next high—she can’t live without it, and there’s never enough.

But her days as the most powerful member of the House of Representatives may soon come crashing down.

It’s not from The Squad—although AOC and her freshmen socialists want to wrench Pelosi out of office in the worst way.

It’s not from angling Democrats, who want to step into her chair once the elderly San Francisco Democrat stumbles.

The hard fact is, Nancy Pelosi may be impeached.

A bold congressman has introduced a bill that would toss Pelosi out of Congress and retire her from politics completely.

“I have introduced a resolution calling for her to be expelled from the House and for the Speaker’s Office to be vacated,” said Representative Ralph Abraham, R-Louisiana.

His bill is like a razor – short, powerful, and straight to the point. It’s only one sentence long—but long enough to end Pelosi’s career.

His resolution states: “Resolved, That pursuant to Article 1, Section 5, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, Representative Nancy Pelosi be, and she hereby is, expelled from the House of Representatives and the Office of the Speaker is declared to be vacant.”

The bill is a miniature version of impeachment—actually, way more effective than impeachment.

Even if the House votes to authorize Nancy Pelosi’s sham “impeachment inquiry,” that just sends the impeachment to the Republican-controlled Senate.

As The Horn detailed just this week, President Donald Trump could even be impeached and removed from office—but then run and get re-elected president in 2020.

Abraham’s resolution cuts right to the chase: Get out.

Pelosi would go from the third in line to become president to just an average resident of San Francisco, trying to dodge the human waste and used needles on the sidewalks.

Abraham says he’s striking back because of the Democrats’ Deep State coup attempt and Pelosi’s insane drive to impeach Trump.

“Nancy Pelosi’s vicious crusade against our lawfully-elected President is nothing more than a politically-motivated witch hunt and it must be stopped,” Abraham said.

“House Democrats spent nearly three years obsessed with election meddling only to dwarf any such efforts,” he said.

Pelosi has been the leader. She lied before the 2018 midterms that she wasn’t considering impeachment. Fake News outlets like “Politico” said even talking about the possibility of impeachment was a Republican dirty trick aimed at costing Democrats votes!

Now we know better.

As soon as Democrats took over the House—and welcomed The Squad to their caucus—they cranked up impeachment.

Pelosi knows most Americans oppose impeachment…and most Democrats wanted it done yesterday.

So, she’s stringing along a slow-drip, go-nowhere, make-believe impeachment inquiry as long as she can.

Pelosi’s politically motivated coup has “disgraced the people’s House and weaponized the Speaker’s gavel for her party’s political gain,” Abraham said.

If he’s successful and takes the gavel out of Pelosi’s hands, a lot of people—on both sides of the aisle—with be very happy.

Nancy Pelosi’s approval rating hit a nine-year low with her fellow liberal Democrats this summer.

And with Americans as a whole? She’s scraping the bottom.

18 percent more Americans disapprove of her than approve.

That’s about how many more Americans approve of Donald Trump than approve of Pelosi.

But Democrats ranked “impeachment” their top issue this year, so the “inquiry” goes on.

Abraham said Pelosi has finally forced the House to follow her “own deceitful plan to nullify the 2016 election and prevent President Trump from winning in 2020.”

Rep. Al Green said he has to impeach Trump, or “he’ll win again”–so Abraham knows what he’s talking about.

And he knows what he’s going to do about it.

Via HornNews

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