

Socialists Are PISSED At AOC For Living The Lux-Life – ‘What About All That BS About Income Inequality!?’

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I’m not a woman so I don’t know how much hair treatments normally cost, but our favorite socialist congresswoman recently spent $250 big ones on a single hair appointment and is getting criticized for it:

NY POST – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — who’s waged war against the wealthy with a 70 percent tax rate proposal — shelled out more than $250 on a recent trip to the hair salon, according to a new report.

The socialist darling dropped big bucks — $80 on a haircut and $180 for lowlights — last month at Last Tangle Salon in downtown Washington, DC, the Washington Times reported, citing sources.

The outlet noted that a 20 percent tip, or $52, would bring the total to just over $312, while suggesting she could’ve saved about $100 for a chop at the “government-subsidized” Capitol Hill barbershop.

A salon staffer said Ocasio-Cortez was nice and even snapped selfies with customers.

Richard Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, said it was a bad look for the freshman congresswoman who represents parts of the Bronx and Queens.

“There is nothing wrong with spending money to make yourself look better, especially as a personality who depends upon visual mediums for her make power,” he told the Washington Times. “But it is a bad look to spend hundreds of dollars to get your hair done to make a video decrying income inequality.”

He’s got a point. Socialists like AOC and Elizabeth Warren love to bash the rich as the evil of this world but when they think no one is looking, they themselves are found to be living the high life.

The post reports that some are saying these prices are not extreme. As I said, I don’t know. John Edwards was heavily criticized along the same lines over a decade ago for his $400 haircuts and I know that’s uber expensive for a man’s haircut.

What do you ladies think? Is $80 on a haircut and $180 for lowlights for someone in AOC’s position extreme? Or is that par for the course?


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