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Was It The Right Call? President Trump Ruffles Feathers With Troop Withdrawal From Syria!

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President Trump‘s desire to withdraw troops from northern Syria and pull back from the Middle East is reminiscent of Barack Obama’Iraq strategy and represents a “win for ISIS,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Monday on “Fox & Friends.”

Trump unleashed several tweets on Monday saying his administration has “held off” on the issue of troop withdrawal for three years, and must finally put the burden of maintaining stability in the region on other nations. He also said America should extricate itself from “ridiculous, endless wars” and cited Turkey’s Kurdish conflict as a prime example.

“If I didn’t see Donald Trump’s name on the tweet I thought it would be Obama’s rationale for getting out of Iraq,” Graham told Fox News.

“This is going to lead to ISIS’ reemergence. nothing better for ISIS than to create a conflict between the Kurds and Turkey. The Kurds will now align with Assad because they have nobody to count on because we abandoned them. So this is a big win for Iran and Assad — a big win for ISIS.” – READ MORE


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