

SHUT THEM DOWN: Antifa Cowards Prey On Elderly Couple In Latest ‘Protest’

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Antifa’s special brand of bullying madness has arrived in full force in Canada. Left-wing thugs can be seen on video chanting, “Nazi scum! Off our streets! Nazi scum! Off our streets!” at an elderly couple trying to do nothing more than use a public crosswalk. As you can see, the woman can apparently get around only with the aid of a walker, yet still poses some kind of threat to Antifa.

The reason for Antifa’s appearance was to “protest” an event at Mohawk College sponsored by Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, and American libertarian political commentator Dave Rubin.

ASIDE: Pardon the scare quotes above, but in my mind it isn’t a protest when you’re there to harass private citizens. That’s nothing better than a temper tantrum at best.

The local Hamilton Spectator reports that more than 100 Antifa showed up at the sold-out event. The school allowed Sunday’s show to go on, despite “concerns” raised by various students and faculty members’ about PPC’s supposed “far-right” agenda.

Bernier is a former Canadian cabinet member under PM Stephen Harper’s Conservative party government, but left to form the PPC last year. Bernier complained that the Conservatives had grown too “intellectually and morally corrupt” to take on “extreme multiculturalism,” which he believes creates division among Canadians.

Sunday’s event sold out the 1,000-seat McIntyre Art Centre at $50 per ticket. Not a bad showing at a school of 30,000 students, and the extra security the administration had to provide wasn’t to keep the conservatives and libertarians in line.

Meanwhile in Seattle, Major League Soccer caved to Antifa hooligans, agreeing to allow the black flag to fly during a Seattle Sounders games at CenturyLink, and elsewhere.

Give in to thugs, get more thuggery.

I was about to say things are going to get ugly, but they already have. The question is, how much uglier we’ll let things get before the inevitable backlash.

Via PJMedia

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