

Nancy Pelosi LAUGHABLY Shrugs And Says Dem. Kamikaze Impeachment Mission Worth Losing House Majority In 2020

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitted on Saturday that the House Democrats are on a Kamikaze mission to impeach President Trump.

Pelosi said it’s worth losing the House majority in 2020 as long as they impeach President Trump.

“People say you’re taking a political risk doing that — that doesn’t matter — that doesn’t matter because we cannot have a president of the United States undermining his oath of office, his loyalty, his loyalty to his oath of office — undermining our national security, and undermining the integrity of our elections,” Pelosi said Saturday in Austin, Texas.


On Tuesday, Pelosi announced the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry following the Deep State CIA whistleblower hit on Trump.

The Deep State whistleblower is a CIA officer (Brennan protege) who was detailed to work at the White House and has since returned to the CIA.

The transcript of the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was declassified and the full, unredacted 5-page transcript was released Wednesday morning.

The transcript revealed that Trump never threatened Zelensky or engaged in quid pro quo to get him to agree to investigate Joe Biden’s son Hunter for his involvement with Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company.

President Trump and his administration is also being accused of a cover up for storing transcripts of Trump’s phone calls with foreign leaders on a highly classified electronic system.

The Democrats are on a Kamikaze mission to destroy President Trump’s chances of winning in 2020 and Trump’s camp called them out.

On Friday, Trump’s campaign released a hard-hitting video accusing the Democrats of trying to steal the 2020 election.

Via GatewayPundit

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