

WATCH: INCREDIBLE Drone Footage Released Shows MILES of Trump’s BEAUTIFUL New Wall

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Now that’s a wall.

Well, a fence, anyway.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) has released new drone footage of a “new border wall system” being installed near San Luis, Arizona, a site where foreigners have been seen pouring into America.

“CBP has constructed over 60 miles of new border wall system along the SW border since 2017 and expects to complete 450 miles by the end of 2020,” the Border Patrol said in a post on Twitter.

The previous wall in the area was 10 feet high, but the CBP said it “failed to impede and deny illegal entries.”

The new section is triple-layered enforcement zone that employs an 18’ bollard wall, the agency said.

New barriers are going up all along the border. Workers are installing 30-foot steel fencing along a crossing known as the Lukeville Port of Entry. After that is complete, feds will construct 40 miles of barrier near the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and two other wildlife  areas.

Meanwhile, workers have also begun construction between two small towns on the border between New Mexico and Mexico.

“The administration has awarded $2.8 billion in contracts for barriers covering 247 miles, with all but 17 miles of that to replace existing barriers instead of expanding coverage,” The Daily Mail reported. “There are already various forms of barriers along 654 miles of the southern border, or about one-third.”

Via GatewayPundit

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