

Dear Joe Biden, If You Have To Address Your Base That You’re ‘Not Crazy’…You’ve Probably Lost All Hope Of Winning

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Man, that 2020 lineup sure is shaping up to be a crack team of Trump hunters, and its leader, former VP and 2020 frontrunner Joe Biden, looks like he’s the sharpest tool in the shed. A real rock star.

In fact, he’s so with it and filled with enough vigor that, according to the LA Times, Biden, 76, felt it necessary to assure everyone that he wasn’t going nuts. His words, not mine:

Joe Biden was whipping through his stump speech at a rustic lakeside campground here when he stumbled over the location of where exactly he spoke a few hours earlier at nearby Dartmouth College.

“I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts,” Biden told supporters perched on camp chairs on the shore of Loon Lake as the sun sank behind him, turning the sky sherbet shades of purple and pink. “I’m not sure whether it was the medical school or where the hell I spoke. But it was on the campus.”

It was a minuscule misstatement. But Biden’s irritation — he pointedly looked at the media covering the event as he corrected himself — was clear.

The former vice president is the front-runner in the 2020 Democratic presidential race, yet he is facing real questions about the fragility of that status. Any misstep or gaffe sparks a flurry of news coverage that undermines the premise of his campaign — that he is the candidate best equipped to beat President Trump.

The LA Times isn’t wrong. Every time Biden gaffes, we journalists and commentators are on it like white on rice, but the only reason that’s the case is that it happens so frequently. Once or twice is a coincidence. Constantly is a pattern.

On Saturday, Biden forgot which state he was in, confusing New Hampshire for Vermont.

As Bonchie covered, he claimed that over 40 kids were shot at Kent State. The real number is nine.  As Elizabeth Vaughn reported, Biden also misidentified the decade in which MLK Jr. was assassinated. Biden even claimed that the Parkland kids who survived the shooting visited him while he was Vice-President. He later attempted to recover from the gaffe by saying people still “called him” Vice-President, technically true, but the damage was done.

According to Pollsters, even his voters aren’t exactly overjoyed about voting for him. His wife even gave him a less than ringing endorsement.

The fact that his own team has been trying to cut back on his public appearances for fear of more gaffes is telling. Biden is hardly fit to handle an encounter with the media. He’s definitely not r

Via RedState

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