

Mueller’s Investigative Failure Stands To Make Him TONS Of Cash With Far-Left Propaganda…

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One thing you have to remember about DC, here many people take care of their own. By many people, I mean Dems.

So it is with the highly partisan, yet unsuccessful, team that manned the Mueller witch hunt. Like Christine Blasey Ford before them, they will get awards and land in high clover for services rendered, win or lose.

Michael Dreeben of the team got a cushy slot at Georgetown Law. Andrew Weissmann, number two to Mueller, got a twofer. He gets a billet at NYU Law and a book deal. Jeannie Rhee gets a partnership at a top law firm. Andrew Goldstein nabs a sweet partnership too. The list goes on.

DC is a company town and that company is big government. And for that firm? Business is always booming. Thus, there are always comfy job openings for even the worst and the dimmest who will toe the line.

But when you’re a populist and nationalist president who comes into town owing almost nobody and you set your sights to drain the nanny state PC swamp, the powers that be on both sides will gun for you. Disliking the president is an ecumenical sport in this city. – READ MORE

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