

Failing 2020 Hopeful Tulsi Gabbard Now Claims Google Worse Than Russians With Election Meddling… But Only Because SHE Is The Target

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Presidential candidate and military veteran Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is suing Google, claiming in her lawsuit that the company as “almost total control” over key elements of elections.

Democratic presidential candidate and military veteran Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is suing Google, as Breitbart News reported earlier today.

In her legal complaint, Gabbard states that Google has “almost total control” over key elements of elections, stating:

In addition to Google’s overarching control over, and restrictions on,  American political speech generally, Google has a unique and disturbing amount of influence over—and interest in—elections. In fact, through its search, search advertising, and other monopolistic platforms, Google has almost total control over important aspects of election speech and election advertising. And Google is willing to exploit its control—as can be seen in Google’s targeting of Tulsi Gabbard, a political opponent of the company, through the Account.

In fact, Gabbard’s Account is not the first election advertising that Google has interfered with. For example, in June 2018, Google announced that it would no longer sell political ads for local races in Washington state. Yet in reality, Google continued to sell such ads—thousands of dollars’ worth, in fact—but only to certain campaigns. In short, Google’s alleged ban on ads for local races in Washington state was selectively enforced. This misconduct ultimately resulted in the Washington state attorney general prosecuting Google, and Google settled case, agreeing to pay $217,000 to resolve its liability.

In another section of the lawsuit, Gabbard notes the disparity between Google’s donations to and support of different political campaigns, at one point citing Dr. Robert Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. – READ MORE


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