

Austin, TX Has A Bizarre Desire to Adopt California’s Homeless Problem…Greg Abbott Warns, ‘Not In This State!’

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If you go to various cities in California, one of the first things you’ll notice is the shocking amount of homeless people that are camped out on the streets. I wish I could say these were people just down on their luck, but where homeless camps pop up, an inordinate amount of drug use does as well.

And for some reason, Austin, Texas, wants to be just like them.

Austin’s Mayor Steve Adler made it legal for homeless people to set up tents on city streets so long as they aren’t blocking pathways. In an interview, Adler said he doesn’t think that this will cause problems like it does in Los Angeles or San Francisco, but Austin residents, especially women, are worried about safety concerns.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott warned back in June that if Austin does go through with it, then he’ll be forced to bring the power of Texas down on the city.

“If Austin— or any other Texas city—permits camping on city streets it will be yet another local ordinance the State of Texas will override,” tweeted Abbott. “At some point cities must start putting public safety & common sense first.”

Fast forward to July, and the ordinance is already causing major problems. Needless to say, Abbott is not happy. Abbott took to Twitter once again to show people what kind of dangers the policies Austin enacted are bringing on. Quote tweeting a Texas resident who caught an accident caused by homeless people darting into traffic caused a major accident near downtown Austin.

“Look at this insanity caused by Austin’s reckless homeless policy. All state-imposed solutions are on the table including eliminating local sovereign immunity for damages and injuries like this caused by a city’s homeless policy,” tweeted Abbott.

“The horror stories are piling up,” he added.

Adler seems to be willing to stand his ground, however. He noted that Abbott was “misled” in a tweet and blamed the outrage around homeless camps on people trying to scare and lie to others.

Austin residents fired back.

It’s likely that Abbott is currently cooking up something in the legislature with the help of Republicans, though if this continues to spiral out of control, Austin may end up just like San Francisco, which has become a dangerous place to be with all the homeless and hard drugs that literally litter the streets.

Via RedState

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