

Nicaragua Arrests Four ISIS Terrorists HEADING TO US! ‘If It Weren’t For Trump, They Would Have Easily Made It In!’

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Law enforcement officials in Nicaragua have arrested four ISIS terror suspects — two from Iraq and two from Egypt — who reportedly entered the country with Costa Rican travel documents as part of a migrant group that U.S. officials say was headed north to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Breitbart border experts Brandon Darby and Ildefonso Ortiz reported that “the Nicaraguan Army arrested the four men this week at an irregular crossing point known as Guacimada.”

Darby and Ortiz exclusively reported earlier this week that U.S. officials had warned the Mexican government that three ISIS terror suspects had arrived in Central America and were believed to be headed to the U.S. border by traveling through Mexico.

“The three men are identified as Mohamed Ibrahim and Mahmoud Samy Eissa from Egypt, and Ahmed Ghanim Mohamed Al Jubury from Iraq,” Darby and Ortiz added, noting that the first three suspects had travel documents issued to them by Costa Rica on June 9. “The fourth man, Mustafa Ali Mohamed Yaoob from Iraq, had travel documents issued on June 13.” – read more

Via TruePundit

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