

A Massive Crowd Gathered In London…And Had NOTHING BUT LOVE For Trump!

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Trump is indeed a global phenomenon. The mainstream (fake) media would have you believe that Trump is universally despised by the British people. Nothing could be further from the truth. To the patriotic Brits who are desperate for freedom Trump represents hope.

The British patriots yearn for the Britain of old. They yearn for the Britain of Churchill and Thatcher. They yearn for the Britain before the totalitarian EU. They yearn for the Britain before Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn, and of course they yearn for the Britain before jihad immigration.

Britain’s next election may be the last opportunity for the British people to take their country back from the totalitarian and corrupt elites.

Trump supporters barricaded in Wetherspoons by police after being surrounded by protesters chanting ‘Nazi scum off our streets’ during heated clashes in London,

By: The Independent, Tom Batchelor, June 4, 2019:

Pro and anti-Donald Trump protesters have clashed during a march from Trafalgar Square to Parliament in central London.

A small group of supporters of the US president found themselves surrounded by demonstrators in Whitehall.

Police intervened and pulled the pro-Trump group into a nearby pub for their own safety as cries of “Nazi scum off our streets” rang out.

They have since barricaded the small counter-protest group in the Lord Moon of the Mall pub as thousands of demonstrators continue to stream down Whitehall.

Police officers outside the pub told The Independent around 20 pro-Trump supporters are still being held inside and that the incident was the result of a “verbal disagreement”.

No arrests have been made, they said.

Around a dozen Met policemen and women were still guarding the door at the time of writing along with members of the pub’s security team.

Further down Whitehall, another small group of Trump supporters, one of whom was wearing a “Free Tommy” badge, in reference to Tommy Robinson, complained about the media coverage of Tuesday’s protests.

Via Gellerreport

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