

Abortion. Is. Evil. – CA Gov. Newsom Tells Americans, ‘Bring Your Babies To California, We’ll Kill ‘Em For Ya’

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Gov. Gavin Newsom has a message for women who want an abortion but live in states that have enacted strict pro-life measures: Come to California.

Newsom released a proclamation Friday touting his state’s easy access to abortion, including the use of state funds for ending pregnancies under subsidized health insurance plans for disadvantaged people while U.S. law bans states from using federal money for the same purpose.

“California will continue to uphold women’s equality and liberty by protecting their reproductive freedom, educating Californians about their rights to reproductive freedom, welcoming women to California to fully exercise their reproductive rights, and acting as a model for other states that want to ensure full reproductive freedom for women,” Newsom said, according to the Fresno Bee.Video

The move came after a number of states — including Alabama, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, Mississippi and Georgia — passed pro-life measures that either severely restrict or ban abortion after six weeks. – READ MORE

Via TruePundit

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