

EPIC: Military Veterans Literally WALK OUT On AOC Mid-Meeting!

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Ocasio-Cortez went into a meeting with military veterans and trashed U.S. foreign policy, because she knows everything better than everyone else, and veterans did what veterans do.

From the NY Post:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bashed US foreign policy during a private meeting with Bronx community leaders, prompting two military veterans to storm out.

“She knocks the country, she knocks the president. And that’s not what America is about,” said Silvio Mazzella, a Vietnam War vet and treasurer of Community Board 11.

Anthony Vitaliano — an Army veteran who worked in the NYPD for 38 years, and commanded the Bronx’s homicide detectives — was sitting between Ocasio-Cortez and a staffer for the freshman Dem.

“I just couldn’t hear her BS anymore,” the former CB11 chairman said. “I just got up, got my umbrella in my hand and walked right out.”

This is exactly what you’d expect out of AOC. She just assumes she’s a million percent right and everyone agrees with her and only terrible terrible people disagree. Like a child would believe.

The NY Post said they went in on the proxy war in Yemen, and then attacked Trump on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

“Talking about America, that really turned me off completely,” said Mazzella, 74, who said he fought in Vietnam from 1966 to 1968.

When Israel came up later in the meeting, Ocasio-Cortez suggested President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are autocrats, according to a person at the meeting.

“I was revolted,” said the attendee, who didn’t want his name published.

Yup. AOC’s idiocies only get her ahead in equally extremist groups, and that completely limits her ability to actually get anything done. Think of her “signature” legislation – the Green New Deal didn’t receive one vote, and the Democrats have completely ignored it and come up with their OWN climate bill. And yet she’s still praised for it like she’s some kind of genius. Amazing.


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