

AG Barr Sets The Record Straight – ‘Mueller And His Team Got The Analysis WRONG On Obstruction’

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UPDATE: CBS News has released the full interview that you can read here.

This morning AG Barr was asked by CBS legal correspondent Jan Crawford about the obstruction of justice charge laid out by Mueller in his report. Barr makes clear that he and his team, including Rod Rosenstein, did not agree with the analysis in the report and said it didn’t speak for the DOJ:

Barr says the legal analysis in the report was the view of a particular lawyer or lawyers and that they simply didn’t agree with it.

In other words Mueller and his anti-Trump team led by Andrew Weissmann got it wrong and Barr and Rosenstein had to fix it.

Barr also responds to criticism of his use of the word ‘spying’ in the video above.

In the video below Barr explains that he did expect the hyperpartisan pushback he’s gotten when he took the job and said the fact that he’s at the end of his career is one of the reason’s he took it:

Barr also notes that people say that Trump is shredding our institutions, but says he sees no evidence of that. Rather he says “resisting” a democratically elected president because they “have to get rid” of him is what’s shredding our institutions.


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