

Unprecedented Presidential Harassment! Deutsche Bank Complies With Court Ruling To Release Trump Financial Records

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An Obama judge ruled against Trump’s legal team today, refusing to block Democrat subpoenas for Deutsche Bank:

CNBC – A federal judge in New York City on Wednesday said Deutsche Bank and Capital One can turn over financial documents related to President Donald Trump and his businesses in response to subpoenas from two Democrat-led House committees.

Judge Edgardo Ramos’ ruling came after a hearing at which lawyers for Trump, his three older children, Donald Jr. Eric and Ivanka, and the Trump Organization argued that the subpoenas to the two banks should be quashed. An appeal of the decision is all but certain.

Ramos, an appointee of President Barack Obama, said in U.S. District Court in Manhattan that the Trump clan’s arguments “are not sufficiently serious as it relates to Supreme Court precedent” dealing with the question of turning over documents to Congress.

Deutsche Bank says they will abide by the court order:

In a statement to CNBC after the ruling, Deutsche Bank spokeswoman Kerrie McHugh said, “We remain committed to providing appropriate information to all authorized investigations and will abide by a court order regarding such investigations.”

While Deutsche bank says they’ll abide by the court order, NY Times Finance Editor seems to think they will wait until after Trump appeals the ruling:

So it’s probably not a done deal yet that Democrats will get their hands on this information.


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