

BOOM! Sources Confirm Kellyanne Conway Shut Nancy Pelosi Down In Oval Office Meeting Just As Trump Walked Out!

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Kellyanne Conway has never been a huge Nancy Pelosi fan. It truly showed Wednesday when she asked Pelosi a question during Trump’s infrastructure meeting with her and Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer.

According to the Washington Examiner, the meeting got heated in only 3 minutes before President Trump got up and walked out of the meeting.

The Examiner wrote:

“White House counselor Kellyanne Conway slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after President Trump abruptly shut down an infrastructure meeting at the White House on Wednesday.”

He got angry because Nancy Pelosi accused him of being “engaged in a cover-up,” minuted before the meeting took place.

Conway, who spoke after Trump left replied: “Respectfully, Madam Speaker, do you have a direct response to the president?”

In a huff, Pelosi snapped at Mrs. Conway. “I was responding to the president and not his staff.”

“Really great,” Conway said, snapping back. “That’s really pro-woman of you.”

Kellyanne reacted to the altercation.

After the meeting ended abruptly, Pelosi and Schumer held a press conference where they told America again that they believed Trump is “engaged in a cover-up.”

According to The NY Times, Regarding the short meeting, Pelosi said: “We were expecting him to look for an excuse to leave.” Then she accused the president of “obstructing justice.”

The Times wrote:

“Ms. Pelosi did not back down later in the day at a forum sponsored by the left-leaning Center for American Progress. ‘In plain sight, this president is obstructing justice and is engaged in a cover-up,’ she said. ‘And that could be an impeachable offense.’”

It appears that Pelosi jumped on the “impeachment bandwagon “ due to all the backlash that came because she opposed it.

What happened to politicians standing firm to their cause? Now, a simple Twitter mob can steer Democrats to changing their policies. The sad part is, the Twitter mob is a very small minority and doesn’t represent the moderate Dems at all.

AOC threatened Pelosi to follow through with the impeachment “or else.” Pelosi has shown us time and time again that she doesn’t have control of her House Democrats.

They control her! How absolutely sad.


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