

President Trump Gives Democrats An Ultimatum: If You Want To Negotiate End The ‘Phony Investigations’

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President Trump on Wednesday demanded Democrats end what he called their “phony investigations” before he’ll negotiate with them on issues like infrastructure, as he delivered a fiery statement from the Rose Garden after cutting a meeting short with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.

The president had met for mere minutes with the two Democratic leaders in a session scheduled to discuss a possible bipartisan infrastructure package. But moments before that sit-down, Pelosi accused Trump of having “engaged in a cover-up” regarding the Russia probe.

Trump suggested the comments, and the numerous investigations into him, prevented them from negotiating.

“You can’t do it under these circumstances,” Trump said. “Get these phony investigations over with.”

The president said he wanted to pursue an infrastructure proposal, but “instead of walking in happily into a meeting, I walk in to look at people that have just said that I was doing a cover-up.”

Trump added: “I don’t do cover-ups.” – READ MORE

Via TruePundit

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