

Pelosi’s Own Team Has Committed MUTINY Against Her…And It’s Quite Amusing!

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The left really wants to pursue impeachment of Trump, so much so that they are now confronting Pelosi to change her position on beginning impeachment proceedings:

WASHINGTON POST – Members of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s own leadership team confronted her in a contentious Monday night meeting and argued that it was time to begin an impeachment inquiry into President Trump, according to multiple officials in the room.

At least five members of Pelosi’s leadership team — four who also sit on the House Judiciary Committee with jurisdiction over impeachment — pressed Pelosi to allow the panel to start the inquiry, which they argued would help investigators attain documents and testimony Trump has blocked.

Pelosi, according to the officials, pushed back on the idea alongside House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), arguing that it would undercut other House investigations. Pelosi has also long been an impeachment skeptic and tried to tamp down impeachment talk in her caucus as recently as last week by encouraging members to focus on their legislative agenda.

The meeting underscores the first time Pelosi’s rank-and-file members — including members of her leadership team — have lobbied her to change her long-held position on impeachment. Judiciary members for days have discussed how to move the speaker toward their thinking, but few have been willing to break with her publicly.

The hard left doesn’t even care anymore that they are harassing Trump and they don’t care how it looks. They want to use the tool of impeachment to continue fishing in Trump’s life for whatever they can find to destroy him.

In fact, several of them are going to start calling for impeachment tomorrow morning when McGahn doesn’t show up:

However, a core group of Judiciary Democrats on Tuesday plans to begin calling for an impeachment inquiry if former White House counsel Don McGahn does not show for subpoenaed testimony at 10 a.m., according to multiple sources familiar with the plan. The White House on Monday moved to block McGahn from showing up, arguing that he is exempt from testimony.

This jives with what Chad Pergram tweeted tonight on the issue:

They really want to turn Pelosi on this and I bet she caves. After all, she’s been calling for impeachment for the last two years, starting right after Trump took office.


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