

BUSTED: Biden Fumbles To Disguise His Dirty Connections To ‘Dark Money’ Funding

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An ally of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden who is part of a group that launched a “dark money” strategy center that plans to spend $60 million during the 2020 elections has shuttered a separate political action committee that was created to provide support for the former vice president, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Matt Tompkins, a Democratic fundraiser, submitted paperwork to the FEC on April 24 establishing the Biden PAC. That same day, additional paperwork was submitted changing the name of the entity from the Biden PAC to the G Street PAC while also removing Tompkins as its treasurer. The PAC would eventually be named For the People and spend millions backing Biden. Biden’s communications director, Kate Bedingfield, put distance between the campaign and the PAC and told the Hillthat Biden “does not welcome assistance from super PACs.”

Tompkins is also involved with a $60 million dark money “strategy center” for the 2020 elections, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.

The “strategy center,” called Future Majority, a Washington, D.C.-based 501(c)4 “dark money” nonprofit that is not required to disclose its donors and whose upcoming plans were reported by Politico, will focus on midwestern states in an effort to “rebrand” the Democratic Party and provide support to liberal organizations. The group will also establish a “war room” to push back against conservative media and fight against the “socialism” label being applied to the Democratic Party. – READ MORE

Via TruePundit

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