

Now You Can Get Your HANDS On Some Epic Biden 2020 Swag

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Now that former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden has officially thrown his name in the ring for the 2020 Democratic Primary, it appears that criticism and political satire are not far behind.

Joe Biden has long stirred up controversial for his inexplicably inappropriate touching, staring, kissing and groping of women and even young female children. Completely clueless and socially awkward at best, and legitimate sexual harassment a its worst, there is a reason Joe Biden has developed a reputation throughout the years as “Creepy Uncle Joe”.

I mean just take a look at the video below for yourself; its utterly disgusting how physical Joe Biden is with the wives and young children of his political counterparts:

While the lack of mainstream media coverage of Joe Biden’s inappropriate conduct is a very serious issue, a team of designers over at Bonfire has come up with a t-shirt that puts a more humorous spin on Joe Biden’s serious issue with personal boundaries.

"Creepy Uncle Joe' is back and ready to take his "hands on" approach to the campaign trail (Photo via Bonfire)

Get your limited edition “Creepy Uncle Joe” shirt today in either Black, Charcoal or Midnight Navy for just $24.99

Featuring Biden 2020 in standard campaign font and print, the t-shirt may seem to imply support, but instead the campaign logo is edited with a hilarious addition: hands that appear to be openly groping the numbers 2020 right around the chest/upper stomach area.

With serious questions about his past groping, Creepy Uncle Joe certainty doesn’t want to see people wearing these shirts on social media and in public….but with two styles(including a comfy woman’s version for all the more irony), three different color choices, and a humorous description of Joe Biden taking a “Hand’s On” approach in 2020……these t-shirts are a must have collectors item.

One Final Warning: These t-shirts are only available for 10 more days and supplies may not last, so be sure to get your hands on the shirt now before you miss out forever!

Buy your “Creepy Uncle Joe”: 2020 shirt now and let everybody know you won’t be letting Joe Biden off the hook that easily when it comes time for his Presidential run 

Via DailyCaller

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