

George Mason University President Responds To Snowflake Protest Against Kavanaugh Teaching Position…’TOUGH CRAP’

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Brett Kavanaugh’s been through a lot.

Most anyone else would’ve quit and gone home, as the Left demanded that we #BelieveAllWomen whether they’re telling the truth or not (here) (unless they’re accusing a Democrat — here). Yet, he stayed.

In the aftermath of no wrongdoing having been shown, Brett’s teaching position at Harvard was discontinued, perhaps not wholly unaffected by protest within the school (here). The Supreme Court nominee was the topic of so much uproar last year, I alone have written 41 articles with “Kavanaugh” in the title.

Well, here’s #42. But this time, it’s for a happy reason.

At George Mason University, some in the student body have railed against Brett’s position as a summer instructor within the college’s Antonin Scalia Law School. The reason? The flakes of falling white feel “unsafe.”

Yes — this is where we are.

Tuesday night, the president of the school responded. His reply: Tough crap; Brett teaches here, goobs.

Or — as HuffPost lamented –“George Mason University Doesn’t Care That Its Students Oppose Brett Kavanaugh’s Hire.”

At a “town hall” on campus for the SJW’s to emote aghast, President Angel Cabrera explained:

“Even if the outcome is painful. What’s at stake is very, very important for the integrity of the university.”

If I had to guess, I’d say “even if the outcome is painful” isn’t a dictum with which the current college generation is much familiar.

The students were nonplussed, having asked the administration to please take their “mental health” into consideration. Read it and weep, from HuffPost:

“In hiring Kavanaugh, to what extent did you consider the mental health of the survivors on campus and how that might affect them and their education?” asked one male student, as the room filled with the sound of students snapping their fingers in support.

That sounds about right.

But Angel told them the school stands firm on keeping Kavanaugh:

“Even if in this particular case the outcome is one that you deeply disagree with, the process by which these decisions are made and the reason why we are so firm in defending them is actually essential to the way a university like ours operates.”

A 17-year-old high school senior threw herself into the ring with a mind-numbing question:

“How could Kavanaugh possibly be hired despite Ford’s allegations?”

Someone should perhaps explain “allegations” to the teen, along with “evidence” and “proof.” Only one of those three were present in the Kavanaugh case.

Apparently, only one of those matter to the woke. And it ain’t proof. Which is proof we’ve got a lot of work to do.

But in the meantime, Brett Kavanaugh will try make people smart at George Mason University. Even the ones who are too dumb to appreciate him being there.

Via RedState

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