

Democrats Are PISSED Americans Would Protect Their Own Lands – Detain Hundreds Of Illegals Until Border Patrol Can Arrive

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A group of retired veterans, special forces and law enforcement officers have been patrolling the southern border where New Mexico and El, Paso Texas meet.

Reportedly they’ve recently detained about 300 migrants and turned them over to the border patrol, which is driving Democrat officials and the ACLU nuts.

Here’s more:

CLICKONDETROIT – A militia group near the US-Mexico border detained hundreds of people this week, New Mexico’s attorney general told CNN.

“My office has been informed that this week, an armed group has detained nearly 300 people near Sunland Park, New Mexico,” Attorney General Hector Balderas said in a written statement. “These individuals should not attempt to exercise authority reserved for law enforcement.”

Videos posted online purportedly showing migrants held by the United Constitutional Patriots group and handed over to the US Border Patrol drew swift condemnation from the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico.

“We cannot allow racist and armed vigilantes to kidnap and detain people seeking asylum,” the ACLU said in a letter to state authorities denouncing the actions and asking the government to step in. “We urge you to immediately investigate this atrocious and unlawful conduct.”

A statement on the United Constitutional Patriots’ Facebook page describes the group as “Americans that believe in the constitution and the rights of every American that will stand up for there rights in unity and help keep America safe.”

“We’re just here to support the Border Patrol and show the public the reality of the border,” spokesman Jim Benvie told The New York Times, noting that his group had been camped near El Paso for the past two months.

Benvie’s group “plans to remain on the border until the extended wall proposed by President Trump is built or Congress changes immigration laws to make it harder for migrants to request asylum,” the Times reported.

Various private militia groups — often espousing anti-immigrant views — have patrolled the border for years.

But it’s rare to see video of an armed group detaining migrants on the US side of the border.

Here’s a video from the group explaining what they are doing at the border and how they operate:

And here’s the video I found on YouTube that I think is the one that has everyone up in arms.

I’ve not watched the entire video, but it appears to show a bunch of migrants being detained and turned over to the border patrol.

In related news, a New Mexico County in the same area has declared a state of emergency, demanding that their Democrat Governor send the national guard to protect them.

Or they will take matters into their own hands:

FOX NEWS – A New Mexico county on Wednesday declared a state of emergency over an influx of immigrants crossing the border in recent months and asked the governor to send in the National Guard for protection, according to a report.

Otero County, which touches neighboring El Paso, issued a declaration Wednesday that urged Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to deploy National Guard Troops and reopen Customs and Border Patrol checkpoints to stem the flow of drugs and other illegal activity at the border, The Alamogordo Daily News reported.

Grisham’s predecessor, Gov. Susana Martinez, deployed 200 National Guard troops to New Mexico’s border with Mexico in April 2018. But Grisham removed the guardsmen from the border ahead of President Trump’s State of the Union, in a rejection of “the federal contention that there exists an overwhelming national security crisis at the southern border, along which are some of the safest communities in the country.”

Otero County Commissioners have threatened legal action if their demands were not met in one week.

“If this demand is not met by the State of New Mexico in one week’s time, the County of Otero will take action itself to provide security and safety and well-being for the people in this county,” Otero County Commission Chairman Couy Griffin said.

The county’s board of commissioners voted unanimously on the declaration. In response, Grisham’s office said the “National Guard does not and would not operate federal checkpoints,” and instead directed Otero County officials to the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management for assistance.

Typical Democrat Governor who refuses to acknowledge the crisis on her border because she hates Trump. The county should totally defend themselves if the governor isn’t going to do it.


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