

Gatez Gives Trump Nickname A Nod, Introduces ‘PENCIL Act’ To Strip Adam Schiff From Intel Committee And Security Clearances!

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Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced a bill dubbed the “PENCIL Act” to remove Adam Schiff (D-CA) from the House Intel Committee.

Gaetz named the resolution, Preventing Extreme Negligence with Classified Information Licenses Act, or PENCIL Act, a nod to President Trump, who recently called the Democrat lawmaker, “little pencil neck Adam Schiff.”

Today I filed the “PENCIL Act,” expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that “Congressman Adam Schiff should be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and his security clearance immediately revoked,” the resolution said.

Rep. Adam Schiff simply cannot be trusted with classified or sensitive information.

Leaker and liar Adam Schiff should be thrown off of the House Intel Committee and his security clearance should be revoked after he peddled Russian collusion conspiracy theories for over two years without any evidence to back up his claims.

Schiff also leaked portions of Donald Trump Jr.’s testimony to the House Intel Committee to fake news CNN.

Schiff was seen leaving the closed-door House Intel hearing many times while Don Jr. was testifying and CNN would coincidentally publish articles about the contents of the hearing in real time.

The House Intel Chairman is still spreading Russian collusion lies about Trump and he’s abusing his position to continue to harass the President and his family.

Many members of the House Intel Committee are calling on Schiff to resign — former Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz recently called for Schiff’s security clearance to be revoked.

Via GatewayPundit

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